Creating Healthy and Balanced Habits Inspired by Natural Seasons


“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” - Genesis 8:22

With the cool and crisp dawn of Autumn, my favourite season, I’m reminded of the beauty and wisdom that comes with building a balanced life that models the rhythms and rituals of nature’s seasons.


Preparing for the year ahead

Every January, after the cacophony and gluttony of the Christmas holidays, I partake in an annual fast. Fasting is a spiritual practice where you align your body, heart, mind, and soul to draw closer to God. It’s a practice embraced by most major religions, as well as the medical community, which boasts of its many physiological and psychological benefits. So, as the clock strikes midnight and after I lay a big ol’ New Years’ kiss on my husband, my fast begins. For 31 days, I refrain from all processed sugars, refined carbs, and grains. That means no more chocolate, bread, or rice - literally some of my favourite things on the planet.

You’re probably wondering why I put myself through this kind of torture 😳. I often find myself asking that same question mid-way through January. But, as I’ve grown in my spiritual, mental, and even my physical health, I’ve learned that our bodies, minds, and souls operate and thrive on the principle of seasons. I mean, women literally have a monthly cycle! So, if that’s how nature functions, then why not embrace that for myself? Living in lockstep with nature may not be groundbreaking revelation for many of you, but for me, it’s been a slow and steady journey of uncovering and discovering life-giving truths in different areas of my life. By beginning my year with a season of fasting, I’m resetting from the year before and preparing myself for the year to come.


Striking a healthy balance

From cancelling all my social media accounts a year ago, to travelling through Italy all Summer, to now enjoying Fall festivities with friends and family…I’m finally striking a much-needed, healthy balance in my life. And, nowhere has that been more necessary than with my physical health.

Perhaps it was because I was travelling, or because I’d experienced some challenges at work, or maybe I was still emotionally processing the end of my company, but my hormones went off whack for a bit. Without getting into the details, I just knew things weren’t quite right. So, as soon as I returned home from my trip, I booked an appointment with my doctor, had a full panel of bloodwork done, and lo’ and behold, I was right. Things were off.

I immediately dove headfirst into research and learned everything I could about macro and micro nutrients, vitamins and supplements, the benefits of low-impact workouts to help restore and balance hormones. I’m not going to lie, I was thrilled to learn that HIIT workouts probably weren’t a great idea for me 🤪. But, regardless, I still felt an urge to get back into the gym now that they were open again. As an “all or nothing” kind of person, my mentality around working out was, “well, I made it to the gym, so I might as well kill myself with a million squats”. Only to end up unbearably sore the next day, completely unable to function, and never wanting to go to the gym ever again. But, after learning more about balancing my hormones, I’m learning to embrace a simpler workout routine - one that is restorative and fun. For me, that’s looked like evening strolls with my husband and hitting the gym about twice per week, and that’s it! And, I must say, having the goal be to balance my health, not reaching a weight loss target or appearance-based aim has truly made all the difference. Now, I don’t see working out as a means to an end, but as a part of the routines and rituals of my life.


Building a balanced plate

The other area that I’m striving to find balance and operate in rhythms is in my diet. A renewed focus on healthy, balanced eating was sparked by the issue of this hormone imbalance, especially after returning from six glorious, carb-laden weeks in Europe 🥐. I regret nothing! Again, without restricting myself from any particular food group, I just made sure to balance my macronutrients as much as possible, focusing primarily on a high fat, high protein diet. I’d give myself the opportunity to have more treats and indulgent food on the weekends, but during the week, my meals usually look like this:

Breakfast (9 AM)

  • 1 cup of black coffee - I loosely follow intermittent fasting, but if I’m feeling hungry, I’ll eat!

Lunch (12 PM)

  • Avocado toast (half an avocado on sourdough bread)

  • 2 eggs

  • 2 bacon strips (sometimes)

  • Fruits or veggies + hummus on the side

Afternoon Smoothie (2-3 PM)

  • 1 banana

  • Frozen mixed berries

  • 1 Tbsp Almond Butter

  • Half an avocado

  • Almond milk

  • 1 Tbsp Greek Yogurt

  • Two handfuls of frozen spinach

  • Two handfuls of frozen kale

  • 1 Tbsp whole flax seeds

  • 1 Tbsp hemp hearts

Dinner (6 PM)

Meat Protein (Chicken, Beef, Seafood, or Fish)

Starch (Rice or Potatoes, occasionally Pasta)

Fresh salad with homemade dressing

Roasted Veggies

As you can see, this is a totally balanced diet, with nothing out of the ordinary, and nothing off limits. The biggest adjustment I made was incorporating high fibrous, nutritious fruits and veggies in all of my meals as much as possible. Having an afternoon smoothie was a game-changer to ensure I stayed satiated throughout the day, got a little hit to my sweet tooth, while also packing in a tonne of nutrients. This was pivotal for balancing my blood sugar levels and my overall hormones, without making me feel hungry or deprived. And, lastly, the smoothie gave me the energy I need for the gym right after work, and before dinner.

Managing stress and my mental health

I feel like talking about mental health has become somewhat of a trend and crutch, but I do think it’s an important part of our well-being that we need to take precautionary and preventative care of. After coming out of a busy, hectic several years, I wanted to prioritize my mental health and manage stress better. Again, a lot of this was sparked by the need to balance my hormones. As an extrovert, that’s meant making sure I’m spending regular quality time with my friends and family, and being intentional about making the most of this season. From strolling through a Saturday morning farmer’s market with my friends, to making an Autumn floral arrangement and baking homemade treats, all of these things have helped me de-stress, have fun, and truly enjoy the simple joys of life.

I love that we can rely on nature’s everlasting beauty, rhythms, and seasons to model our own lives after. Doing so has only reaped positive rewards for me, and I hope they will for you, too. After making these meaningful, holistic changes in my life, I’m happy to share that my bloodwork has come back normal, with a balanced hormone panel 🙏🏽. I’d love to hear from you in the comments below - what are some rituals that you do every season, especially in the Fall?

Until next time…Cheers!



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