

A place to share my thoughts on life, business, and everything in between.

Protecting Your Peace Amidst Chaos
Personal Growth Octavia Ramirez Personal Growth Octavia Ramirez

Protecting Your Peace Amidst Chaos

When I reflected on this Fall season, I knew that I needed to make some changes in my life. I needed to find rest that wasn’t just based on superficial self-care rituals, like face masks or bubble baths. I needed something deeply rooted in mindfulness and intentionality - I needed my Sundays to be slow, simple, and sacred.

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What To Do When Life Feels Unsettled
Personal Growth Octavia Ramirez Personal Growth Octavia Ramirez

What To Do When Life Feels Unsettled

I feel paralyzed by my complete and utter lack of control. And yes, I’m aware that no one ever really has any control in their life, but for the most part, you have some semblance of normality, routine, and a plan. I don’t have any of that, and I hate this feeling.

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