Welcome to my internet home 👩🏽‍💻
I’m Octavia 👋🏽 - an entrepreneur, UX strategist, wife, and mom to a human and fur baby. Thanks for popping by my little corner of the internet!
I’m Octavia 👋🏽 - an entrepreneur, UX strategist, wife, and mom to a human and fur baby. Thanks for popping by my little corner of the internet!
I’ve been focusing less on my professional life, and more on myself, my relationships, and cultivating a full, vibrant, and rich personal life. Here is a quick drive-by of all that’s happened in my life since we last connected.
With the cool and crisp dawn of Autumn, my favourite season, I’m reminded of the beauty and wisdom that comes with building a healthy, balanced life that models the rhythms and rituals of nature’s seasons.
This blog is where I come back to the drawing board. To once again let my creative juices to flow, flex my writing muscles and photography chops, and cultivate a community.
I’ve spent six glorious weeks in Italy - not on vacation. I’ve been working remotely. Because, despite the collective crisis we’ve all faced over the last year and a half, there are tangible and transformational opportunities that can be found, cultivated, and leveraged in the aftermath of this pandemic. Remote work is one of those opportunities.
I’ve decided to step down as the CEO of my own company. Here’s why, and what I’ll be doing next.
As I reflect back on the years spent in our first apartment, I recall the many ways in which our that place set the foundation for our marriage, but also held space to learn, stretch, and grow in more ways than we could have imagined.